Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth

We look forward to your feedback. Feel free to leave a comment and download the movie. The film is a short version of a feature length production to be released in the near future.

44 Responses to “Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth”

  1. Freddy Wangabo says:

    Congolese need Justice,

    The situation in DR Congo is not a question of charity but Justice. Clinton and your friend Tony Blair, Kagame, Museveni, Kabila, Koffi Annane and Kabila congolese need accountability and the truth.

    International community we need you to start standing for justice.

    God bless the congolese victims of a corrupt network.


  2. I can’t help but noticing that it is always White people who benefit when Black people are kiiling Black people like in The Congo…. God Help Us All….

  3. benita says:

    Thank you for this film as much is painful but is good to know the truth,let’s pray for God justice in Congo…my heart is with this children and women.God help us

  4. Bruno says:

    Aucun peche ne restera impuni , tous ceux qui sont responsible de ce qui se passes au Congo seront juge, car Dieu n’est pas injuste de laisser impuni ceux qui font souffrir les autres jusqu’a ce point de les rendre moins humains.

  5. Peres says:

    Great work guys. Kambale, great meeting you 7/17/11. I am ready to volunteer however necessary. Ready to travel to the Congo if need be.

  6. Happy Wetshindjadi says:

    Je vous remercie pour ce travail combien édifiant et persuasif sur la vérité des atrocités de l’enfer congolais sous les yeux complices des grandes puissances au nom des intérêts économiques profitant à une certaine mafia politico-financière.
    Je vous remercie pour la mobilisation, la conscientisation et l’eveil que vous suscitez à travers ce film sur les tristes réalités d’un des plus grands genocides de l’histoire de l’humanité.
    Merci beaucoup et encore merci pour ce grand travail.
    Il est de notre devoir patriotique de diffuser ces vérités pour briser le silence et l’amnésie que veulent imposer au monde les lobbies mafieuses et prédatrices qui orchestrent ces machines infernales de tueries et d’oppression du peuple martyrisé de la RDC.
    Tous les complices de ce genocide ( Kagame, Museveni, Joseph Kabila, Nkunda, James Kabarebe et autres), les responsables politiques de divers gouvernements ( USA,UK,France, Belgique, etc) ainsi les multi-nationales et les lobbies financières responsables du sang, des larmes et de la souffrance du peuple congolais, doivent repondre devant la justice et l’histoire.
    Les atrocités commises dépassent l’entendement et le silence qui les entourent inspire de l’effroi!
    Ce n’est pas humain et cela doit cesser.

  7. Olivier K says:

    Guys, this is really awesome… I dont know what details you will bring into the longer version, but I just wana congratulate you for this 26 minutes movie: the message is short, simple and clear!!! Awesome job… I hope you continue to fight for our cause, I wish the rest of the world will one day realize that the true drama is not Ghaddhafi holding onto power, but the true problem is people dying everyday to serve personal interests for the USA, the UK and the dictators in Africa.
    Honestly guys, thank you for an awesome job!!! God bless all of you…

  8. Hilde Olbrechts says:

    This is a “must see” film for all, young and old … Finally a movie that really “uncovers” what’s happening in DRC – hopefully loads of people will watch this movie and it will be an eye-opener to many! Only wish it would also open the eyes of the leaders as well, those supporting the violence in DRC – they should be ashamed of themselves and of what they allow out there! Thanks for making this movie.

  9. nasir says:

    First and formost what a wonderful job you have done in making such a documentary based on pure facts.I can’t imagine the so called western nations who advocate peace and democracy on paper has allowed this to pass silently. history has shown what they mean by democracy. as an african it pains to see such a genocide taking place by africans over africans. the solution can only come from us not the west. the root cause is ignorance. unless we educate ourselves and increase the awareness level of what is happening around us, we will always be a victim of our own actions.

  10. Kashindi says:

    I don’t have much to say about this film, but F our president and F Rwandise soldiers.

  11. Thank u verry match brothes and sisters and all the friends of Congo for a great job u have done. I realy realy appreciate. May God bless u and bless Congo(DRC).

  12. Xavier Surinyach says:

    It’s a shame for all human beings, for all the world. The most horrible genocide on Earth.

  13. fiyah says:

    Congoman Stand Up and be counted…Inevitably and inescapably, what happened in 1885 is still affecting Congo (as did other African countries today). However what happened after and what happens henceforth is Congolese responsibility.PERIOD! Blaming Rwanda & Uganda for it supposed collusion with the West will not help anything. Personally I abhor any African so called activist or humanitarian who sits in NY or Paris or wherever(in the West) and points fingers at others or engages in the blame game. After all that picketing, shouting and accusing, the status quo remains;Congo maintains its underground breadbasket and aboveground basketcase status. A duality that has little or nothing to do with Kagame. If we want to go by history; it has taught us that absolutely no one but ourselves (Africans) can or will alleviate our lot. Congoman take up your case with Kabila.

  14. Amoin says:

    I am from the Ivory Coast, and I didn’t even know what was really going on there! I am shocked, I am crying. This is terrible, IT IS HELL IN PARADISE! What should we do? What can we do! I feel so powerless. The only thing left to me is to pray. In the meantime people in Congo need true and real help. SPREADING THE WORDS WOULD HELP…LET’S EDUCATE EVERYBODY.

  15. josh says:

    I am from Australia and I was very moved by this film. Most of what was told in this film I had absolutely no idea took place, the amount of information the Australian population receives about these gross injustices is very very little. PLEASE spread this film as far as you can, get it to all those who will listen. I think they will be equally moved as i was and will want to put an end to these gross injustices taking place right in front of us. Maybe then we can give our hearts out to the congo people and help them through this horrible situation.

  16. Ben Kalambayi says:

    Époustouflant ce film !!!!
    Félicitations à toutes ces personnes qui ont contribué à le produire. Ce film révèle ce que les occidentaux ne veulent pas que leurs populations respectives sachant. Honte à eux tous !!! Honte aux USA ! Honte au Royaume Uni ! Honte à la France ! Ils croient vider toutes les richesses de notre cher Congo mais ils se trompent. Ces richesses ont été placé spécifiquement au Congo avec une mission bien déterminée. Aussi longtemps que ces richesses n’auront pas accomplies leur mission (le bien être des congolais et des congolaises), personne (même ce conglomérat d’aventuriers composé de Kagame, Museveni, Kabila, les USA, le royaume Uni, la France, YOU NAME IT !) n’en viendra à bout : toute cette pègre disparaîtra et la richesse sera toujours là en attendant un gouvernement responsable qui en fera une redistribution équitable à tous les congolais. Plus cette mafia internationale vole nos richesses, plus nos ancêtres nous en donnent en abondance !

    Un adage dit que la vérité finie par triompher. La gang de Kagame finira les pieds sous terre dans peu de jours. Tous les politiciens congolais qui se prostituent pour les miettes en marchant sur les cadavres des congolais, le paieront. La Bible dit que lors du jugement dernier, l’homme finira soit en enfer ou au paradis mais ne vous en faites pas, tous ceux qui ont les mains imprégnées du sang des congolais verront leur enfer sur terre avant de mourir : ils paieront le prix fort avant de mourir. Qu’ils demandent à Mobutu qui a fini ses jours maigrichon, rejeté par tous et enterré comme un chien à Rabat loin de sa terre natale. Qu’ils demandent à Bobi Ladawa qui est maintenant entrain de quémander de retourner vivre au Congo.

    Nos politiciens africains ont une mémoire courte (je dirai même TRÈS COURTE). Je ne sais pas dans quelles écoles ils sont passés. Lisent-ils l’histoire de la politique africaine ? Tous ceux qui ont servis aveuglement les occidentaux ont finis comme des mouches lâchés par leurs protecteurs blancs.

    À tous ce qui ont les moyens de diffuser ce film, qu’ils le fassent afin que tous les congolais qui dorment, puissent se réveiller et prendre enfin leur destinée en main. Comme l’a dit Étienne Tshisekedi lors de son passage récemment à Toronto, ”le peuple congolais est maintenant suffisamment mûr. Les occidentaux doivent maintenant le laisser décider de son destin”. Comme le dit notre hymne national : ”Débout congolais!” et comme le dit le slogan de l’UDPS : ”Tenons bon, l’UDPS vaincra!”.

    Ben Kalambayi
    Toronto, Canada

  17. Today, the 4th of July here in the USA, the US celebrates its supposed “independence.”

    But the US is in no sense of the word independent. In order to establish the United States of America, it required the genocide of Native Americans. In order to build the wealth of the United States of America, it required another genocide to enslave Africans. And in order to maintain the economy and lifestyle of the United States of America, it requires that the US government support or engage in genocide in the Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, and many other places around the world.

    Some talk about global warming. Think of the carbon footprint of the US military alone with a thousand military bases all over the world. Each gallon of fuel flown in for one of the lawnmowers that keep the golf courses on these military bases pristine, can cost $400. And every military base has to have a pristine golf course just in case the top brass drop by and to keep up the morale of those US troops committing or supporting genocide, particularly when they know they are not wanted and the impoverished people around them are suffering.

    The billions that the US gives to strong men and genocidal dictators doesn’t help their people, particularly since the US requires that most of that money be spent on weapons manufactured in the US that the dictators use to suppress their own people.

    We in the US have nothing to celebrate. We have yet to gain our independence. We need independence from oil, independence from coltan, independence from uranium, and most of all, independence from our tyrannical government that continues to commit and support genocide in our name.

    • Sarah M Price Hansen says:

      I beg forgiveness for what my country does to my world. I am shamed daily for the misery that America leaves wherever she walks. Creator have mercy on us when all this comes back to my country… I have no other words, just tears.

    • nasir says:

      well it might not sound wise to wish the same kind of atrocities for the childrens and womens of the west since your government is doing most of the damage in the world. as a citizen the americans and western people are partly responsible for their government action. you clap your hands whenever your government went to other countries claiming to fight terrorism while doing pure genocide in all part.

  18. SERGE says:

    shame on American government and Corporation on what they are doing in DRCongo.One day American people with those who are supporting these Congolese Extermination they will pay for it.Congolese people are waking up and knows about the role of each country around the world and their involvement in the Congolese genocide and extermination and we will seek vengeance for our people . we will never forget that ,the same way American people never forgot about what Ousama and Alqaida did to them.

  19. Pat says:

    Merci pour ce film, merci à vous tous qui oeuvrent pour aider le Congo. Croyez-moi un jour tous ces assassins seront punis d’une manière ou d’une autre.

  20. Diddy says:

    Je crois et suis persuade qu’en visualisant une telle video, ca ne touche a rien ces Occidentaux…. Toutefois courage mon frere. ils ont leurs ambassadeurs ici, que font-ils????

  21. Cocom says:

    Thanks a lots for this documentary film. The truth shall come up and is coming up.
    The persones responsibles of those massacres, killings, sexual violences and genocide in DR-Congo must be taken to justice.
    Paul kagame, Yoweri Museveni, James Kabarebe, Faustin Nyamwasa kayumba and others must respond their actes in justice.

  22. John Muriungi says:

    It is unbelievable that killings of this magnitude are taking place in our continent Africa. It makes hypocrites of all of us who stand for human rights and God’s mercy. And why has so much evil happened without the world knowing? Why were these wanton killings and oppression of the people clouded in secrecy? It is unbelievable that African governments and the world community did not know. Why? why? and again why? must the African people suffer in such a large scale? I call upon fellow Christians to pray and plead with the Almighty God for better times ahead. Those of a like mind should form a movement for voicing concern for the voiceless and the suffering. God equip and empower us for this huge task. And where was the world’s media as these atrocities took place?
    John Muriungi
    Methodist Church in Kenya
    P.O. Box 47633-00100
    Nairobi, Kenya.

  23. Conga Dongo says:

    SAD !

    We just need to popularise our struggle, but too many people are using this to make money out of our misery. They are among us, happy to survive while others pay with their lives.

    Thanks for the effort of this film, we need as many people to watch it in the World.



  24. Mutombo says:

    Le Congo Kinshasa ne mérite pas de telles atrocités ! A travers ce film, je me demande si le Congo est un Etat…
    Le pays n’est pas gouverné, les tueries de nos frères continuent, pouvons nous espérer encore de cette communauté internationale !
    Les Etats Unis, la Grande Bretagne et les autres pays de l’Europe continuent à rendre le Rwanda et l’Ouganda plus forts encore du moment que nos richesses sont pillées, nos soeurs sont violées, nos frères tués à l’Est par ces bandes armées de nos voisins (Rwanda-Ouganda).
    Prenons notre destinée en mains, personne ne viendra délivré notre pays.
    Votons utile !!!

  25. patrick mavula says:

    thanks for the movie. this show what is happening in congo and why till now congolaise people strugling to start developp there country. congolaise as other human being has right to live, please let them live.
    i will ask if its possible that every one who get to see this movie to recommand it to as many people as he can so that the thruth will be known by many and maybe some thing will be done about it.

  26. patrick mavula says:

    thank for the movie. this show what is happenig in congo and why till now congolaise people strugling to start develop there country. congolaise as other human being has right to live, please let them live.
    i will recomand if its possible that evry one who get to see this movie to recommand it to asmanu people as he can so that the thruth will be known by many and maybe some thing will be done about it.

    God bless.

  27. Ewurama Orleans-Lindsay says:

    I wasn’t going to watch this but I’m glad I did. It has opened my eyes to some of the things happening around me. Is there anyway we can help the people in our own little way. If we raise funds are there any institutions these can be given to and we can be assured that the resources will reach those whom they were meant for? If so can anyone suggest any? Other than humanitarian aid I guess the best we can then do is write to our governments? I will try to do this and spread the word.

    Thank you for making this documentary.

    • Claire says:

      Yes there is… an amazing young woman called Masika has set up a small centre as a ‘safe house’ for abused women and children. Fiona Lloyd-Davies ( has been out to Eastern Congo recently to film Masika’s story. There will be a website coming soon, where people can make direct donations to Masika’s project. Apparently a generous American donor has already made a substantial contribution, which means Masika has been able to extend the centre.

      Western greed, of the corporate kind, seems to know no bounds – but I confess I did not know the extent of the violence and hurt until I saw Fiona’s film. I am sure there will be thousands like me who want to do something positive to help, once they find out the shocking truth. There will be previews of Fiona’s film to invited audiences in the UK – and the film will also be shown on UK TV in the autumn.

      Thank you to the people who made this film as well. It was hard to watch in places – but so important.

  28. koko says:

    This is going to carry on because the west & america are the truth evils,vampires. whenever congo wants to solve their problems those evils will always step up to destroy our people & they don’t care about blacks. whenever we have a good leader, they go and kill him.they always put the most stupid leader to govern us because they use them for their own good.why are they fighting lybia is iit because they care about lybians people? no,because they want to distroy lybia.if those so called super powers care about people,they would solve congo problems instead of what they are doing now.kabila is the most stupid leader I have never seen;so what are those so called super powers are doing now? they are protecting him so that they will take whatever they want from the congo.they give us their vague speeches as if they are there to save he world.

  29. Susan Faber says:

    Why is it people say there is no hell. Here on Earth one can hardly comprehend the horrors the Congolese people must endure because of the rapatious greed of stronger nations. If the world tolerates genicide in the Congo, it will in other places such as the US. I am honored to meet the people who have labored to bring the truth to me. My life has been permanently altered by this film. Thank you.

  30. Etienne Kankolongo says:

    Thank you,
    For the work that yo have done, the documentary was truly inspiring, emotional and informative. With this documentary, I will use it as a weapon of information I will distribute to whoever I can, to any channels I can. it’s about time we, as congolese come together and fight as one.

    Etienne Kankolongo

  31. Matthew Herbert says:

    Thank you for this important information about the role the U S played over the years concerning the Congo. I’ve been following the truth for some time. I will make sure I inform everyone that will listen about The Crisis In The Congo. Black On Black crime does not just happen in Black America. It happens around the world. The evil men will do for money is one of the things that will forever keep us as a people from being a nation united. I stand with the people of the Congo. My you have Peace and Freedom

  32. Jill Davis says:

    Thank you for this excellent, but heartbreaking, presentation. We will try to get this information out to people who can make a difference. May God help you in your efforts to bring justice and peace to Eastern Congo.

  33. Nzogu bin Kyantede P. R. says:

    Thanks a lot for this “uncovetring” of the dirty truth about what is going on our “democratic” republic of the Congo.

    What is going on AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF CONGO!

    And what is going on AGAINST HUMANITY!

    The actors of this evil criminal scene are known, they the officials of Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo, mainly the presidents of these three countries: Paul Kagame, yoweri Muyeveni and Joseph Kabila. These silly and violent men must be isolated… and punished! That’ll be justice¨! Why the West is so reluctant with them, like with Mobutu?

    Thanks a lot for your militant movie!

    Excuse my poor English!

    Nzogu bin Kyantede P R

  34. Buanga Mpongo Joseph says:

    Chers auteurs du Film,
    Je vous remercie pour ce film qui est objectif et donne un apperçu réaliste de ce qui se passe sur terrain en République Démocratique du Congo. Mais quelques questions me viennent directement en tête : “Pourquoi ce film? et pour qui ce film ? En d’autres mots “Pourquoi avoir réalisé cette oeuvre et pour quelle finalité ? “. J’ai visité l’Ouganda, le Rwanda et l’Est du Congo en tant que Chairperson de l’International Fellowship of Reconciliation, African branch après les événements du Rwanda de façon régulière (septembre 1994 jusqu’en 1996) afin de faire un travail préventif pour la paix dans la région. Car, je croyais encore que ce qui se passait au Rwanda était uniquement l’oeuvre de ceux qui ont a pointé du doigt. Mon intervention n’a pas pour but de me prononcer sur ce qui s’est passé au Rwanda. Nous avions un bureau régional africain en Ouganda à Kampala. J’ai vécu de près les conséquences de ce qui s’était passé au Rwanda et qui avait pris fin deux mois avant mon passage dans ce pays. Il est clair que ce qui s’était passé au Rwanda était prévisible.Les personnes rwandaises que j’ai rencontrées en Belgique depuis l’an 1992 me disaient qu’il fallait allait vite avec le projet pour la paix et la réconciliation au Rwanda, car, la situation pouvait changer brutalement d’un jour à l’autre. Et ce qui allait se produire au Congo était prévisibile aussi. Car, lorsque je quittais Goma pour la dernière fois (1996), j’ai eu une personne qui m’a demandé de l’amener en Ouganda d’où elle irait n’importe où parce que quelque chose de pire allait se produire, on attaquerait le Congo et la destruction systématique de l’Est du Congo allait se produire. C’est une dame qui devrait maintenant vivre en Italie. Il est difficile de croire qu’il y a eu uniquement de mauvaises décisions dans les chefs de ceux qui étaient à l’ONU et dans le gouvernement américain. C’est ainsi que plusieurs ont pensé à un complot de destruction de la région qui, si elle était paisible, bousterait le développement de l’Afrique. Si l’on accepte qu’il y a eu la mauvaise estimation de la situation qui a fait que l’on n’ait pas pris les bonnes décisions pour prévenir ce qui était prévisible déjà au sujet du Rwanda, et ensuite, du Congo, comment se fait-il que personne actuellement ne bouge pour mettre fin à ce qui se passe actuellement au Congo. On a compris ce qu’actuellement nous pouvons considérer comme Alibi. Car, si la présence des “INTERHAMWE”, que l’on a trouvé dans les enfants, femmes enceintes, personnes âgées, tués à Tingi Tingi et ailleurs pourrait se justifier; pourquoi les messacres continuent jusqu’à présent ? Mobutu a été renversé, Kabila jeune est au pouvoir, mais pourquoi les tueries continuent-elles à l’Est du Congo? Vous n’avez qu’à lire ce qui se passe à Beni à Lubero… Ces êtres humains ont-elles une valeur pour la Communauté Internationale et les USA ? Parce que ce sont les USA et la Communauté Internationale qui auraient pu prévenir ce qui allait se passer et qui peuvent arrêter ce qui se passe au Congo. Je ne pense pas que la Communauté Internationale et les USA croient en tout ce que le gouvernement du Rwanda raconte au sujet de ses opérations sur le territoire congolais. Si ce sont les produits miniers qui les intéressent, je suis aussi sûr que ces produits, ils les ont eus du temps de Mobutu, mais la paix et la dignité pour les citoyens de ce pays était là. Mais actuellement ces citoyens surtout ceux de l’Est n’ont pas de dignité, il n’y a pas de paix et tout cela au nom de la sécurité du Rwanda, sécurité menacée par les interhamwe qui sont: les enfants, les femmes violées chaque jour, les morts en des personnnes : défenseurs des droits de l’homme etc… Il m’est personnellement difficile de croire maintenant en des valeurs de justice, d’égalité, de défenseurs des droits humains que l’ONU et les USA prétendent défendre dans le monde. On ne peut pas imaginer que les mandats d’arrêt internationaux pleuvent pour des cas que l’on ne peut pas comparer à ce qui se passe encore actuellement au Congo. Merci pour le Film, il laisse un témoignage de l’histoire, mais une honte pour ceux qui ont les moyens d’arrêter ces massacres qui font la honte de l’humanité aux 20ème et 21ème siècle.
    Bp Dr Buanga Mpongo Joseph.

  35. Capone says:

    Great contribution to the democratization of the Congo after 51 years of dictatorship added to 75 of slavery. Well done; keep it up

  36. Cami MacDonald says:

    Well done. This is a clear and concise call for justice, that must not be ignored. We must all have a conscience of care and concern for the innocent civilians struggling to live freely in Congo. These are our sisters who are being raped. These are our brothers who are unable to protect their families from the murder and greed of outside invaders. And sadly, these are our children who are suffering. They have never known peace and plenty in their beautiful homeland. This is a land of immense wealth, but also beauty and strength. I have been there and I have seen and experienced the perseverance of a great people. They can overcome their past, but they must be allowed the space to make peace. We must stop plundering their land, and must stop supporting the outside forces who are taking their lives. It is outrageous that millions of human lives have been stolen from this Earth and no attention is given. This is a modern day holocaust. It is horrific and it has to stop. Now. Today.

    Congo, I love you. I miss you every day. You have a strength like no other and you will overcome. I wish you peace and joy. I will never forget you. Amani.

  37. Gerry says:

    I am really thankful for the awerness of the dark situation of the Congo. Death is stinking all over my nation with tears in my eyes I was breathless to see the level of damage in the great Kivu two years back, once in Kinshasa I could see the misery of the people. And all this no one is able to talk about it on the international plate form or stage we couldn’t understand the level of corruption that took place in the western world. Please inform the world about a systematic carnage that is taking place in the Congo because of lack responsible government.
    The world is crying about the global warming, yes, but with non responsible leadership at the head of Congo logs of the Congolese forest are crossing to Uganda through Kasindi every minute. I am talking of Kasindi because I was there some two years back, what about all othe exinting points of the great republic?
    Once more please sensitize the world about our plight. Gerry M.

  38. Carrie Wood says:

    Thank you for this film. It was clear, thorough, engaging. Emotional but filled with facts and solutions.

  39. YOHE MBUYU says:

    History has shown that lies and injustice never won

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